Agroecological Transition Support Program - Sharing Sahelian Bocage (PATAE-BSP)
Contribute to; the fight against poverty in the Sahel in compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals aimed at protect the resources of future generations
Strengthening sovereignty food for Sahelian peasant families through an innovative agricultural and pastoral system that is resolutely committed to in the transition from agroecology to large scale
A study of the effects and impact of the concept of Sahelian Bocage is carried out in a holistic way (socio-anthropology, agronomy, environment and economy) then its results are capitalized on. s and broadcast.
Three new bocage perimeters of 100 hectares each have been developed according to the concept of the Sahelian Bocage.
The production and distribution, by a long-term local team, of didactic films for the transmission and sharing of bocag’agroecology practices are ensured
French Development Agency
A public and solidarity-based bank, AFD is the central player in French development policy.
DetailsResearch and Technology Exchange Group
GRET is an international development NGO, under French law, which has been working since 1976 to provide sustainable and innovative responses to the challenges of poverty and inequality.
DetailsResearch Institute for Development
The IRD is a key French player on the international development agenda. It works based on an original model : equitable scientific partnership with developing countries, primarily those in the intertropical regions and the Mediterranean area.
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